
class updown.utils.checkpointing.CheckpointManager(models: Union[torch.nn.modules.module.Module, Dict[str, torch.nn.modules.module.Module]], optimizer: Type[torch.optim.optimizer.Optimizer], serialization_dir: str, mode: str = 'max', filename_prefix: str = 'checkpoint')[source]

Bases: object

A CheckpointManager periodically serializes models and optimizer as .pth files during training, and keeps track of best performing checkpoint based on an observed metric.

It saves state dicts of models and optimizer as .pth files in a specified directory. This class closely follows the API of PyTorch optimizers and learning rate schedulers.

models: Dict[str, torch.nn.Module]

Models which need to be serialized as a checkpoint.

optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer

Optimizer which needs to be serialized as a checkpoint.

serialization_dir: str

Path to an empty or non-existent directory to save checkpoints.

mode: str, optional (default=”max”)

One of min, max. In min mode, best checkpoint will be recorded when metric hits a lower value; in max mode it will be recorded when metric hits a higher value.

filename_prefix: str, optional (default=”checkpoint”)

Prefix of the to-be-saved checkpoint files.


For DataParallel objects, .module.state_dict() is called instead of .state_dict().


>>> model = torch.nn.Linear(10, 2)
>>> optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters())
>>> ckpt_manager = CheckpointManager({"model": model}, optimizer, "/tmp/ckpt", mode="min")
>>> num_epochs = 20
>>> for epoch in range(num_epochs):
...     train(model)
...     val_loss = validate(model)
...     ckpt_manager.step(val_loss, epoch)
step(self, metric:Union[float, torch.Tensor], epoch_or_iteration:int)[source]

Serialize checkpoint and update best checkpoint based on metric and mode.