How to setup this codebase? =========================== This codebase requires Python 3.6 or higher. The recommended way to set up this codebase up through Anaconda/Miniconda. Install Dependencies -------------------- 1. Install Anaconda or Miniconda distribution based on Python3+ from their `downloads site `_. 2. Clone the repository. .. code-block:: shell git clone cd updown-baseline 3. Create a conda environment and install all the dependencies, and this codebase as a package in development version. .. code-block:: shell conda create -n updown python=3.6 conda activate updown pip install -r requirements.txt python develop .. note:: If ``evalai`` package install fails, install ``libxml2-dev`` and ``libxstl1-dev`` via ``apt``. Now you can ``import updown`` from anywhere in your filesystem as long as you have this conda environment activated. Download Image Features ----------------------- We provide pre-extracted bottom-up features for COCO and ``nocaps`` splits. These are extracted using a Faster-RCNN detector pretrained on Visual Genome, made available by `Anderson et al. 2017 `_. We call this ``VG Detector``. We extract features from 100 region proposals for an image, and select them based on a confidence threshold of 0.2 - we finally get 10-100 features per image (adaptive). Download (or symlink) the image features under ``$PROJECT_ROOT/data`` directory: - coco_train2017_vg_detector_features_adaptive.h5_ - coco_val2017_vg_detector_features_adaptive.h5_ - nocaps_val_vg_detector_features_adaptive.h5_ - nocaps_test_vg_detector_features_adaptive.h5_ .. seealso:: Our image-feature-extractors_ repo for more info on ``VG Detector``, and how these features are extracted from it. Download Annotation Files ------------------------- Download COCO Captions and `nocaps` val/test image info and arrange in a directory structure as follows: .. code-block:: $PROJECT_ROOT/data |-- coco | +-- annotations | |-- captions_train2017.json | +-- captions_val2017.json +-- nocaps +-- annotations |-- nocaps_val_image_info.json +-- nocaps_test_image_info.json - COCO Captions: - nocaps val image info: - nocaps test image info: [Optional] Download files for Constrained Beam Search ----------------------------------------------------- 1. If you wish to decode using `Constrained Beam Search `_, download pre-extracted detections from a detector trained using Open Images (we call it ``OI Detector`) into ``$PROJECT_ROOT/data``. - nocaps_val_oi_detector_boxes.json_ (in COCO bounding box annotations format) - nocaps_test_oi_detector_boxes.json_ (in COCO bounding box annotations format) 2. Download Open Images meta data files into ``$PROJECT_ROOT/data/cbs``: - class_hierarchy.json_ : A hierarchy of object classes `declared by Open Images `_. Our file is in a format which is more human-readable. - constraint_wordforms.tsv_ : wordforms of all words which could be CBS constraints. This is how one could allow either of singular-plural words to satisfy a constraint (or even close synonym words). .. seealso:: Our image-feature-extractors_ repo for more info on ``OI Detector``, and how these bounding box detections are extracted from it. Build Vocabulary ---------------- Build caption vocabulary using COCO train2017 captions. .. code-block:: python scripts/ -c data/coco/captions_train2017.json -o data/vocabulary Evaluation Server ----------------- ``nocaps`` val and test splits are held privately behind EvalAI. To evaluate on ``nocaps``, create an account on EvalAI_ and get the auth token from `profile details `_. Set the token through EvalAI CLI: .. code-block:: evalai set_token You are all set to use this codebase! ------------------------------------- .. _image-feature-extractors: .. _coco_train2017_vg_detector_features_adaptive.h5: .. _coco_val2017_vg_detector_features_adaptive.h5: .. _nocaps_val_vg_detector_features_adaptive.h5: .. _nocaps_test_vg_detector_features_adaptive.h5: .. _nocaps_val_oi_detector_boxes.json: .. _nocaps_test_oi_detector_boxes.json: .. _class_hierarchy.json: .. _constraint_wordforms.tsv: .. _EvalAI: